Why You Should Consider Adding A Urinal To Your Bathroom


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Sep 01, 2023

Why You Should Consider Adding A Urinal To Your Bathroom

Everyone is used to seeing urinals in men's restrooms at restaurants and other public spaces, but have you ever considered their benefits and why they might make sense in a home? Unbeknownst to many,

Everyone is used to seeing urinals in men's restrooms at restaurants and other public spaces, but have you ever considered their benefits and why they might make sense in a home? Unbeknownst to many, urinals offer a number of exciting advantages over traditional toilets. For instance, they can potentially become a game-changer for your bathroom's functionality and efficiency. Plus, they take up minimal space, making them perfect for compact bathrooms.

In households or shared living spaces, having a urinal can result in shorter wait times for the bathroom, especially during busy mornings in large family homes. Thankfully, urinals are relatively straightforward to install for those with experience setting up similar plumbing fixtures. If you're considering adding one to your bathroom, understanding the various benefits can lead to a decision that's as good for your wallet as it is for the planet. Let's delve into the many reasons why this is.

Water conservation is a substantial benefit of urinals. Modern urinals use less water per flush than conventional toilets — around a gallon or less, compared to around 1.6 gallons for older residential toilets. WaterSense-labeled flushing urinals, for example, use only about ½ a gallon per flush, while waterless models don't require any water. Over time, this reduction in water consumption could lead to noticeable savings while positively impacting the environment. This is one major reason why modern households have begun incorporating urinals into private bathrooms, blending convenience and conservation.

Of course, sanitation is also a factor. The design of urinals reduces fluid contact with the surface, promoting better hygiene. They are also designed to minimize splashing, thus reducing the spread of germs and making it easier to maintain a clean bathroom. For these (and other rather obvious) reasons, cleaning a urinal is typically less labor-intensive than cleaning a toilet. The design and functionality allow for more straightforward maintenance, often requiring only a quick wipe-down and periodic deep cleaning. Moreover, you'll find that the wear and tear on your main toilet might reduce, as the new addition to the bathroom will take on much of the daily traffic.

Now, you might think a home urinal is a bit unusual. While it might be less common in residential spaces, adding a urinal can offer a unique and personalized touch to your bathroom design. Modern residential models aren't the stark, utilitarian fixtures you usually see in public restrooms. They come in an array of innovative and attractive designs that can blend seamlessly with various interior styles. Whether you want a modern, minimalist, classic, or sleek bathroom, there's likely to be a design that fits.

A well-chosen urinal can also be a statement piece, reflecting a homeowner's innovative approach to design and everyday living. It's essential, of course, to consider the needs and preferences of everyone who will use the space. Open communication and thoughtful planning can result in a more convenient and efficient bathroom for everyone using it. So, although the decision to add a urinal to your bathroom might seem unconventional initially, weighing the benefits in terms of efficiency, hygiene, and design means it's worth considering.
